ISO 14001
Every day is not an infinite source of further shrinking of our world, the environmental impacts of the activities of local and regional products and not, globalol which is now accepted all over the world. This awareness should be controlled by market forces, it has brought the legal application of the environmental impact on satisfy the need for.
Now that may exist in the global market and is measured by the value given to human dignity. Today’s consumer expectations and needs as well as the top he lived to give value to the environment and the world, and the market is to demand respect.
These developments have revealed them to keep control of the business environment and their interaction with the environment performance and achievements of the fact that there is a need to constantly be management systems. Which is also the most important issues surrounding the integration with the European Union; so also in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of his audit includes parallel threads to this standard request.
Property of the damage they cause to the environment in a systematic manner or they reduce and, if possible, be removed the middle management system is called the Environmental Management System.
ISO 14000 Environmental Management System, in essence reducing the use of natural resources, soil, water, air, given the minimum level of damages, is a management model established in the base risk analysis.
The product, starting raw materials final product into bringing environmental factors identified be at every stage of the process to the delivery to customers, and these factors are necessary inspections and measures with the damage to the environment by controlling which enables minimizing describing the biriste my establishment and the series of standards that have been published by the Organization International Standards.
A product standard is not the standard and system rather than what is produced, how it is produced it is concerned with. and continuous monitoring of environmental performance improvement is based. To comply with the conditions defined by the relevant laws and regulations in relation to environmental factors must be stipulated.
ISO 14000 Series Standards:
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Features and User Manual
ISO 14004 Environmental Management – Environmental Management Systems- Principles, to systems and supporting techniques General guidelines
ISO 14020 Environmental Labels and Declarations-General Principles
ISO 14031 Environmental Management Environmental Performance Review -guidance
ISO 14040 Environmental Management – Life Cycle Assessment General Principles and Practices
of ISO 19011 Quality and Environmental Inspection for Manual
History of ISO 14000 Environmental Management System:
ISO 14000 Environmental Management System Standard Preparation is first made in Rio in June 1992 to the decisions taken at the summit of the world and is based on the principles included in the Rio Convention. After nearly one year after the world summit held in Rio in 1993 by ISO, to prepare international standards for environmental management, set up a technical committee composed of representatives about 50 different countries. This results in their in September 1996, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standard was published and implemented. Although despite the voluntary implementation of the ISO 14000 standard, it is estimated that in the near future society should become a mandatory standard of practice, and that international organizations and of the goverments should become mandatory.
In 1973, they published a European Union policy I. Action Plan (to implement environmental protection measures)
in 1992 BS 7750 Standard
1992 Rio Declaration
to enhance the 14000 family of standard 1993 by ISO, ISO / TC 207, Environmental Management Technical Committee has been established
1994 TS 9719 standard (Environmental Management Systems – General Properties)
in 1996, the ISO 14001 standard
in September 2015 the current version of ISO 14001
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard Principles
Liabilities Fear and Politics: Organizations should assess the environmental policy and commitment to environmental management systems must be committed.
Organizations activities, products and services should determine the environmental dimension is elective within their major. In order to purpose of the commitments and objectives should be identified, program activities must be performed to achieve these goals and objectives.
Practice and Procedure:
The organization carrying out environmental policies should develop a support mechanism with the necessary capabilities and facilities to find an effective implementation in order to achieve its goals and objectives.
Checking and Corrective Action:
Organizations, environmental actions and should measure the success of this performance, should monitor and evaluate.
Review and Development:
Organization, in order to improve the overall environment performance and overall degree of success in this performance, we should review the environmental management system and develop continuously.